Erica Rogers


Crave true growth & transformaSHEN? Join us in walking the path. Join The Shen Life Pack!

About Us

We believe life can be more...much more. 

By embodying Shen, we all can realize our potential. What does that look like? Deeper spiritual connection, better health, true wealth or even Xpowers. It's a vast realm of possibilities. We are committed to explore, embody and experience it all.

Why You Should Join Us

"Screw the man!" Come on. Say it. It fees kinda good, right? 

Well, we say, 'screw the technocracy,' and their biased censorship agenda. So, we created our own social network for all of Shen Life's clients, students, and fans to enjoy while maintaining a key part of their sovereignty, your privacy.  

To be clear, we do not agree with everything people say on any social platform, but we support a person's right to free speech. Likewise, a business should maintain its right to stop serving persons whom do not comply with their guidelines. So...

We created our own social network for all of Shen Life's clients, students, and fans to enjoy while maintaining a key part of your sovereignty, your privacy!

If you seek growth-minded people fired up to walk the talk without the social media drama, you are in the right place. Join us!

Let's Get Started. 

Get The App & Join!

Hosted on the Mighty Network Platform, you can engage with the mobile app as well as from your trusty desktop. 

To get the app...

Go to your mobile app store and download the Mighty Networks app. Open it. 

Then, search for 'Shen Life.' Hit the JOIN button, and create your profile. 

Boom! You'll officially be a part of the Shen Life Pack!

A Big Thanks In Advance

To you. For whatever reason, you found Shen Life and resonate with our message. That makes you a part of our pack. Thank you for joining us out on the edge of human potential where a normal life is a slow death and the wild frontier beckons. 

Let's see how far we can go...together!